This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.49 from the input file slib.texi. This file documents SLIB, the portable Scheme library. Copyright (C) 1993 Todd R. Eigenschink Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the author. File:, Node: Syntactic Closures, Next: Syntax-Case Macros, Prev: Macros That Work, Up: Macro Implementations Syntactic Closures ================== `(require 'syntactic-closures)' Syntactic-closure macros. -- Function: macro:expand EXPRESSION Returns scheme code with the macros and derived expression types of EXPRESSION expanded to primitive expression types. -- Function: macro:eval EXPRESSION `macro:eval' returns the value of EXPRESSION in the current top level environment. EXPRESSION can contain macro definitions. Side effects of EXPRESSION will affect the top level environment. -- Function: macro:load FILENAME FILENAME should be a string. If filename names an existing file, the `macro:load' procedure reads Scheme source code expressions and definitions from the file and evaluates them sequentially. These source code expressions and definitions may contain macro definitions. The `macro:load' procedure does not affect the values returned by `current-input-port' and `current-output-port'. Syntactic Closure Macro Facility -------------------------------- A Syntactic Closures Macro Facility by Chris Hanson 9 November 1991 This document describes "syntactic closures", a low-level macro facility for the Scheme programming language. The facility is an alternative to the low-level macro facility described in the `Revised^4 Report on Scheme.' This document is an addendum to that report. The syntactic closures facility extends the BNF rule for TRANSFORMER SPEC to allow a new keyword that introduces a low-level macro transformer: TRANSFORMER SPEC := (transformer EXPRESSION) Additionally, the following procedures are added: make-syntactic-closure capture-syntactic-environment identifier? identifier=? The description of the facility is divided into three parts. The first part defines basic terminology. The second part describes how macro transformers are defined. The third part describes the use of "identifiers", which extend the syntactic closure mechanism to be compatible with `syntax-rules'. Terminology ........... This section defines the concepts and data types used by the syntactic closures facility. * "Forms" are the syntactic entities out of which programs are recursively constructed. A form is any expression, any definition, any syntactic keyword, or any syntactic closure. The variable name that appears in a `set!' special form is also a form. Examples of forms: 17 #t car (+ x 4) (lambda (x) x) (define pi 3.14159) if define * An "alias" is an alternate name for a given symbol. It can appear anywhere in a form that the symbol could be used, and when quoted it is replaced by the symbol; however, it does not satisfy the predicate `symbol?'. Macro transformers rarely distinguish symbols from aliases, referring to both as identifiers. * A "syntactic" environment maps identifiers to their meanings. More precisely, it determines whether an identifier is a syntactic keyword or a variable. If it is a keyword, the meaning is an interpretation for the form in which that keyword appears. If it is a variable, the meaning identifies which binding of that variable is referenced. In short, syntactic environments contain all of the contextual information necessary for interpreting the meaning of a particular form. * A "syntactic closure" consists of a form, a syntactic environment, and a list of identifiers. All identifiers in the form take their meaning from the syntactic environment, except those in the given list. The identifiers in the list are to have their meanings determined later. A syntactic closure may be used in any context in which its form could have been used. Since a syntactic closure is also a form, it may not be used in contexts where a form would be illegal. For example, a form may not appear as a clause in the cond special form. A syntactic closure appearing in a quoted structure is replaced by its form. Transformer Definition ...................... This section describes the `transformer' special form and the procedures `make-syntactic-closure' and `capture-syntactic-environment'. -- Syntax: transformer EXPRESSION Syntax: It is an error if this syntax occurs except as a TRANSFORMER SPEC. Semantics: The EXPRESSION is evaluated in the standard transformer environment to yield a macro transformer as described below. This macro transformer is bound to a macro keyword by the special form in which the `transformer' expression appears (for example, `let-syntax'). A "macro transformer" is a procedure that takes two arguments, a form and a syntactic environment, and returns a new form. The first argument, the "input form", is the form in which the macro keyword occurred. The second argument, the "usage environment", is the syntactic environment in which the input form occurred. The result of the transformer, the "output form", is automatically closed in the "transformer environment", which is the syntactic environment in which the `transformer' expression occurred. For example, here is a definition of a push macro using `syntax-rules': (define-syntax push (syntax-rules () ((push item list) (set! list (cons item list))))) Here is an equivalent definition using `transformer': (define-syntax push (transformer (lambda (exp env) (let ((item (make-syntactic-closure env '() (cadr exp))) (list (make-syntactic-closure env '() (caddr exp)))) `(set! ,list (cons ,item ,list)))))) In this example, the identifiers `set!' and `cons' are closed in the transformer environment, and thus will not be affected by the meanings of those identifiers in the usage environment `env'. Some macros may be non-hygienic by design. For example, the following defines a loop macro that implicitly binds `exit' to an escape procedure. The binding of `exit' is intended to capture free references to `exit' in the body of the loop, so `exit' must be left free when the body is closed: (define-syntax loop (transformer (lambda (exp env) (let ((body (cdr exp))) `(call-with-current-continuation (lambda (exit) (let f () ,@(map (lambda (exp) (make-syntactic-closure env '(exit) exp)) body) (f)))))))) To assign meanings to the identifiers in a form, use `make-syntactic-closure' to close the form in a syntactic environment. -- Function: make-syntactic-closure ENVIRONMENT FREE-NAMES FORM ENVIRONMENT must be a syntactic environment, FREE-NAMES must be a list of identifiers, and FORM must be a form. `make-syntactic-closure' constructs and returns a syntactic closure of FORM in ENVIRONMENT, which can be used anywhere that FORM could have been used. All the identifiers used in FORM, except those explicitly excepted by FREE-NAMES, obtain their meanings from ENVIRONMENT. Here is an example where FREE-NAMES is something other than the empty list. It is instructive to compare the use of FREE-NAMES in this example with its use in the `loop' example above: the examples are similar except for the source of the identifier being left free. (define-syntax let1 (transformer (lambda (exp env) (let ((id (cadr exp)) (init (caddr exp)) (exp (cadddr exp))) `((lambda (,id) ,(make-syntactic-closure env (list id) exp)) ,(make-syntactic-closure env '() init)))))) `let1' is a simplified version of `let' that only binds a single identifier, and whose body consists of a single expression. When the body expression is syntactically closed in its original syntactic environment, the identifier that is to be bound by `let1' must be left free, so that it can be properly captured by the `lambda' in the output form. To obtain a syntactic environment other than the usage environment, use `capture-syntactic-environment'. -- Function: capture-syntactic-environment PROCEDURE `capture-syntactic-environment' returns a form that will, when transformed, call PROCEDURE on the current syntactic environment. PROCEDURE should compute and return a new form to be transformed, in that same syntactic environment, in place of the form. An example will make this clear. Suppose we wanted to define a simple `loop-until' keyword equivalent to (define-syntax loop-until (syntax-rules () ((loop-until id init test return step) (letrec ((loop (lambda (id) (if test return (loop step))))) (loop init))))) The following attempt at defining `loop-until' has a subtle bug: (define-syntax loop-until (transformer (lambda (exp env) (let ((id (cadr exp)) (init (caddr exp)) (test (cadddr exp)) (return (cadddr (cdr exp))) (step (cadddr (cddr exp))) (close (lambda (exp free) (make-syntactic-closure env free exp)))) `(letrec ((loop (lambda (,id) (if ,(close test (list id)) ,(close return (list id)) (loop ,(close step (list id))))))) (loop ,(close init '()))))))) This definition appears to take all of the proper precautions to prevent unintended captures. It carefully closes the subexpressions in their original syntactic environment and it leaves the `id' identifier free in the `test', `return', and `step' expressions, so that it will be captured by the binding introduced by the `lambda' expression. Unfortunately it uses the identifiers `if' and `loop' within that `lambda' expression, so if the user of `loop-until' just happens to use, say, `if' for the identifier, it will be inadvertently captured. The syntactic environment that `if' and `loop' want to be exposed to is the one just outside the `lambda' expression: before the user's identifier is added to the syntactic environment, but after the identifier loop has been added. `capture-syntactic-environment' captures exactly that environment as follows: (define-syntax loop-until (transformer (lambda (exp env) (let ((id (cadr exp)) (init (caddr exp)) (test (cadddr exp)) (return (cadddr (cdr exp))) (step (cadddr (cddr exp))) (close (lambda (exp free) (make-syntactic-closure env free exp)))) `(letrec ((loop ,(capture-syntactic-environment (lambda (env) `(lambda (,id) (,(make-syntactic-closure env '() `if) ,(close test (list id)) ,(close return (list id)) (,(make-syntactic-closure env '() `loop) ,(close step (list id))))))))) (loop ,(close init '()))))))) In this case, having captured the desired syntactic environment, it is convenient to construct syntactic closures of the identifiers `if' and the `loop' and use them in the body of the `lambda'. A common use of `capture-syntactic-environment' is to get the transformer environment of a macro transformer: (transformer (lambda (exp env) (capture-syntactic-environment (lambda (transformer-env) ...)))) Identifiers ........... This section describes the procedures that create and manipulate identifiers. Previous syntactic closure proposals did not have an identifier data type -- they just used symbols. The identifier data type extends the syntactic closures facility to be compatible with the high-level `syntax-rules' facility. As discussed earlier, an identifier is either a symbol or an "alias". An alias is implemented as a syntactic closure whose "form" is an identifier: (make-syntactic-closure env '() 'a) => an "alias" Aliases are implemented as syntactic closures because they behave just like syntactic closures most of the time. The difference is that an alias may be bound to a new value (for example by `lambda' or `let-syntax'); other syntactic closures may not be used this way. If an alias is bound, then within the scope of that binding it is looked up in the syntactic environment just like any other identifier. Aliases are used in the implementation of the high-level facility `syntax-rules'. A macro transformer created by `syntax-rules' uses a template to generate its output form, substituting subforms of the input form into the template. In a syntactic closures implementation, all of the symbols in the template are replaced by aliases closed in the transformer environment, while the output form itself is closed in the usage environment. This guarantees that the macro transformation is hygienic, without requiring the transformer to know the syntactic roles of the substituted input subforms. -- Function: identifier? OBJECT Returns `#t' if OBJECT is an identifier, otherwise returns `#f'. Examples: (identifier? 'a) => #t (identifier? (make-syntactic-closure env '() 'a)) => #t (identifier? "a") => #f (identifier? #\a) => #f (identifier? 97) => #f (identifier? #f) => #f (identifier? '(a)) => #f (identifier? '#(a)) => #f The predicate `eq?' is used to determine if two identifers are "the same". Thus `eq?' can be used to compare identifiers exactly as it would be used to compare symbols. Often, though, it is useful to know whether two identifiers "mean the same thing". For example, the `cond' macro uses the symbol `else' to identify the final clause in the conditional. A macro transformer for `cond' cannot just look for the symbol `else', because the `cond' form might be the output of another macro transformer that replaced the symbol `else' with an alias. Instead the transformer must look for an identifier that "means the same thing" in the usage environment as the symbol `else' means in the transformer environment. -- Function: identifier=? ENVIRONMENT1 IDENTIFIER1 ENVIRONMENT2 IDENTIFIER2 ENVIRONMENT1 and ENVIRONMENT2 must be syntactic environments, and IDENTIFIER1 and IDENTIFIER2 must be identifiers. `identifier=?' returns `#t' if the meaning of IDENTIFIER1 in ENVIRONMENT1 is the same as that of IDENTIFIER2 in ENVIRONMENT2, otherwise it returns `#f'. Examples: (let-syntax ((foo (transformer (lambda (form env) (capture-syntactic-environment (lambda (transformer-env) (identifier=? transformer-env 'x env 'x))))))) (list (foo) (let ((x 3)) (foo)))) => (#t #f) (let-syntax ((bar foo)) (let-syntax ((foo (transformer (lambda (form env) (capture-syntactic-environment (lambda (transformer-env) (identifier=? transformer-env 'foo env (cadr form)))))))) (list (foo foo) (foobar)))) => (#f #t) Acknowledgements ................ The syntactic closures facility was invented by Alan Bawden and Jonathan Rees. The use of aliases to implement `syntax-rules' was invented by Alan Bawden (who prefers to call them "synthetic names"). Much of this proposal is derived from an earlier proposal by Alan Bawden. File:, Node: Syntax-Case Macros, Prev: Syntactic Closures, Up: Macro Implementations Syntax-Case Macros ================== `(require 'syntax-case)' This is version 2.1 of `syntax-case', the low-level macro facility proposed and implemented by Robert Hieb and R. Kent Dybvig. This version is further adapted by Harald Hanche-Olsen to make it compatible with, and easily usable with, SLIB. Mainly, these adaptations consisted of: * Removing white space from `expand.pp' to save space in the distribution. This file is not meant for human readers anyway... * Removed a couple of Chez scheme dependencies. * Renamed global variables used to minimize the possibility of name conflicts. * Adding an SLIB-specific initialization file. * Removing a couple extra files, most notably the documentation (but see below). If you wish, you can see exactly what changes were done by reading the shell script in the file `'. The two PostScript files were omitted in order to not burden the SLIB distribution with them. If you do intend to use `syntax-case', however, you should get these files and print them out on a PostScript printer. They are available with the original `syntax-case' distribution by anonymous FTP in `'. To load syntax-case, execute: (require 'syntax-case) (require 'repl) (repl:top-level macro:eval) To check your sanity, run (syncase:sanity-check) Beware that `syntax-case' takes a long time to load -- about 20s on a SPARCstation SLC (with SCM) and about 90s on a Macintosh SE/30 (with Gambit). Notes ----- All R4RS syntactic forms are defined, including `delay'. Along with `delay' are simple definitions for `make-promise' (into which `delay' expressions expand) and `force'. `syntax-rules' and `with-syntax' (described in TR356) are defined. `syntax-case' is actually defined as a macro that expands into calls to the procedure `syntax-dispatch' and the core form `syntax-lambda'; do not redefine these names. Several other top-level bindings not documented in TR356 are created: * the "hooks" in `' * the `build-' procedures in `' * `expand-syntax' (the expander) The syntax of define has been extended to allow `(define ID)', which assigns ID to some unspecified value. We have attempted to maintain R4RS compatibility where possible. The incompatibilities should be confined to `'. Please let us know if there is some incompatibility that is not flagged as such. Send bug reports, comments, suggestions, and questions to Kent Dybvig ( File:, Node: Procedures, Next: Standards Support, Prev: Macro Implementations, Up: Top Procedures ********** Anything that doesn't fall neatly into any of the other categories winds up here. * Menu: * Bit-Twiddling:: 'logical * Common List Functions:: 'common-list-functions * Format:: 'format * Generic-Write:: 'generic-write * Line I/O:: 'line-i/o * Modular Arithmetic:: 'modular * Multi-processing:: 'process * Object-To-String:: 'object->string * Plotting:: 'charplot * Pretty-Print:: 'pretty-print, 'pprint-file * Prime Factorization:: 'prime * Random Numbers:: 'random * Sorting:: 'sort * Standard I/O:: 'stdio * String-Case:: 'string-case * String Ports:: 'string-port * Tektronix Graphics Support:: File:, Node: Bit-Twiddling, Next: Common List Functions, Prev: Procedures, Up: Procedures Bit-Twiddling ============= `(require 'logical)' The bit-twiddling functions are made available through the use of the `logical' package. `logical' is loaded by inserting `(require 'logical)' before the code that uses these functions. -- Function: logand N1 N1 Returns the integer which is the bit-wise AND of the two integer arguments. Example: (number->string (logand #b011 #b100) 2) => "0" (number->string (logand #b10111 #b01101) 2) => "101" -- Function: logior N1 N2 Returns the integer which is the bit-wise OR of the two integer arguments. Example: (number->string (logior #b10101010 #b01010101) 2) => "11111111" (number->string (logior #b10000000 #b00000001) 2) => "10000001" -- Function: logxor N1 N2 Returns the integer which is the bit-wise XOR of the two integer arguments. Example: (number->string (logxor #b10101010 #b01010101) 2) => "11111111" (number->string (logxor #b111 #b010) 2) => "101" -- Function: lognot N Returns the integer which is the 2s-complement of the integer argument. Example: (number->string (lognot #b10000000) 2) => "-10000001" (number->string (lognot #b0) 2) => "-1" -- Function: ash INT COUNT Returns an integer equivalent to `(inexact->exact (floor (* INT (expt 2 COUNT))))'. Example: (number->string (ash #b1 3) 2) => "1000" (number->string (ash #b1010 -1) 2) => "101" -- Function: logcount N Returns the number of bits in integer N. If integer is positive, the 1-bits in its binary representation are counted. If negative, the 0-bits in its two's-complement binary representation are counted. If 0, 0 is returned. Example: (logcount #b10101010) => 4 (logcount 0) => 0 (logcount -2) => 1 -- Function: integer-length N Returns the number of bits neccessary to represent N. Example: (integer-length #b10101010) => 8 (integer-length 0) => 0 (integer-length #b1111) => 4 -- Function: integer-expt N K Returns N raised to the non-negative integer exponent K. Example: (integer-expt 2 5) => 32 (integer-expt -3 3) => -27 -- Function: bit-extract N START END Returns the integer composed of the START (inclusive) through END (exclusive) bits of N. The STARTth bit becomes the 0-th bit in the result. Example: (number->string (bit-extract #b10101010 0 4) 2) => "1010" (number->string (bit-extract #b11111111 4 9) 2) => "1111" File:, Node: Common List Functions, Next: Format, Prev: Bit-Twiddling, Up: Procedures Common List Functions ===================== `(require 'common-list-functions)' The procedures below follow the Common LISP equivalents apart from optional arguments in some cases. * Menu: * List construction:: * Lists as sets:: * Lists as sequences:: * Destructive list operations:: * Non-list Common LISP functions:: * Tree operations:: File:, Node: List construction, Next: Lists as sets, Prev: Common List Functions, Up: Common List Functions List construction ----------------- -- Function: identity X IDENTITY returns its argument. (This probably shouldn't be in the "list construction" section, since it doesn't construct anything, but this is the section that makes the most sense.) Example: (identity 3) => 3 (identity '(foo bar)) => (foo bar) (map identity LST) == (copy-list LST) -- Function: make-list K . INIT `make-list' creates and returns a list of K elements. If INIT is included, all elements in the list are initialized to INIT. Example: (make-list 3) => (# # #) (make-list 5 'foo) => (foo foo foo foo foo) -- Function: list* X . Y Works like `list' except that the cdr of the last pair is the last argument unless there is only one argument, when the result is just that argument. Sometimes called `cons*'. E.g.: (list* 1) => 1 (list* 1 2 3) => (1 2 . 3) (list* 1 2 '(3 4)) => (1 2 3 4) (list* ARGS '()) == (list ARGS) -- Function: copy-list LST `copy-list' makes a copy of LST using new pairs and returns it. Only the top level of the list is copied, i.e., pairs forming elements of the copied list remain `eq?' to the corresponding elements of the original; the copy is, however, not `eq?' to the original, but is `equal?' to it. Example: (copy-list '(foo foo foo)) => (foo foo foo) (define q '(foo bar baz bang)) (define p q) (eq? p q) => #t (define r (copy-list q)) (eq? q r) => #f (equal? q r) => #t (define bar '(bar)) (eq? bar (car (copy-list (list bar 'foo)))) => #t File:, Node: Lists as sets, Next: Lists as sequences, Prev: List construction, Up: Common List Functions Lists as sets ------------- `eq?' is used to test for membership by all the procedures below which treat lists as sets. -- Function: adjoin E L `adjoin' returns the adjoint of the element E and the list L. That is, if E is in L, `adjoin' returns L, otherwise, it returns `(cons E L)'. Example: (adjoin 'baz '(bar baz bang)) => (bar baz bang) (adjoin 'foo '(bar baz bang)) => (foo bar baz bang) -- Function: union L1 L2 `union' returns the combination of L1 and L2 with duplicates removed. Example: (union '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8)) => (4 3 2 1 5 6 7 8) (union '(1 2 2 1) '(3 4 1 8)) => (2 3 4 1 8) -- Function: intersection L1 L2 `intersection' returns all elements that are in both L1 and L2. Example: (intersection '(1 2 3 4) '(3 4 5 6)) => (3 4) (intersection '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8)) => () -- Function: set-difference L1 L2 `set-difference' returns the union of all elements that are in L1 but not in L2. Example: (set-difference '(1 2 3 4) '(3 4 5 6)) => (1 2) (set-difference '(1 2 3 4) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)) => () -- Function: member-if PRED LST `member-if' returns LST if `(PRED ELEMENT)' is `#t' for any ELEMENT in LST. Returns `#f' if PRED does not apply to any ELEMENT in LST. Example: (member-if vector? '(1 2 3 4)) => #f (member-if number? '(1 2 3 4)) => (1 2 3 4) -- Function: some PRED LST . MORE-LSTS PRED is a boolean function of as many arguments as there are list arguments to `some' i.e., LST plus any optional arguments. PRED is applied to successive elements of the list arguments in order. `some' returns `#t' as soon as one of these applications returns `#t', and is `#f' if none returns `#t'. All the lists should have the same length. Example: (some odd? '(1 2 3 4)) => #t (some odd? '(2 4 6 8)) => #f (some > '(2 3) '(1 4)) => #f -- Function: every PRED LST . MORE-LSTS `every' is analogous to `some' except it returns `#t' if every application of PRED is `#t' and `#f' otherwise. Example: (every even? '(1 2 3 4)) => #f (every even? '(2 4 6 8)) => #t (every > '(2 3) '(1 4)) => #f -- Function: notany PRED . LST `notany' is analogous to `some' but returns `#t' if no application of PRED returns `#t' or `#f' as soon as any one does. -- Function: notevery PRED . LST `notevery' is analogous to `some' but returns `#t' as soon as an application of PRED returns `#f', and `#f' otherwise. Example: (notevery even? '(1 2 3 4)) => #t (notevery even? '(2 4 6 8)) => #f -- Function: find-if PRED LST `find-if' searches for the first ELEMENT in LST such that `(PRED ELEMENT)' returns `#t'. If it finds any such ELEMENT in LST, ELEMENT is returned. Otherwise, `#f' is returned. Example: (find-if number? '(foo 1 bar 2)) => 1 (find-if number? '(foo bar baz bang)) => #f (find-if symbol? '(1 2 foo bar)) => foo -- Function: remove ELT LST `remove' removes all occurrences of ELT from LST using `eqv?' to test for equality and returns everything that's left. N.B.: other implementations (Chez, Scheme->C and T, at least) use `equal?' as the equality test. Example: (remove 1 '(1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5)) => (2 3 4 5) (remove 'foo '(bar baz bang)) => (bar baz bang) -- Function: remove-if PRED LST `remove-if' removes all ELEMENTs from LST where `(PRED ELEMENT)' is `#t' and returns everything that's left. Example: (remove-if number? '(1 2 3 4)) => () (remove-if even? '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)) => (1 3 5 7) -- Function: remove-if-not PRED LST `remove-if-not' removes all ELEMENTs from LST for which `(PRED ELEMENT)' is `#f' and returns everything that's left. Example: (remove-if-not number? '(foo bar baz)) => () (remove-if-not odd? '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)) => (1 3 5 7) File:, Node: Lists as sequences, Next: Destructive list operations, Prev: Lists as sets, Up: Common List Functions Lists as sequences ------------------ -- Function: position OBJ LST `position' returns the 0-based position of OBJ in LST, or `#f' if OBJ does not occur in LST. Example: (position 'foo '(foo bar baz bang)) => 0 (position 'baz '(foo bar baz bang)) => 2 (position 'oops '(foo bar baz bang)) => #f -- Function: reduce P LST `reduce' combines all the elements of a sequence using a binary operation (the combination is left-associative). For example, using `+', one can add up all the elements. `reduce' allows you to apply a function which accepts only two arguments to more than 2 objects. Functional programmers usually refer to this as "foldl". `collect:reduce' (*Note Collections::) provides a version of `collect' generalized to collections. Example: (reduce + '(1 2 3 4)) => 10 (define (bad-sum . l) (reduce + l)) (bad-sum 1 2 3 4) == (reduce + (1 2 3 4)) == (+ (+ (+ 1 2) 3) 4) => 10 (bad-sum) == (reduce + ()) => () (reduce string-append '("hello" "cruel" "world")) == (string-append (string-append "hello" "cruel") "world") => "hellocruelworld" (reduce anything '()) => () (reduce anything '(x)) => x What follows is a rather non-standard implementation of `reverse' in terms of `reduce' and a combinator elsewhere called "C". ;;; Contributed by Jussi Piitulainen ( (define commute (lambda (f) (lambda (x y) (f y x)))) (define reverse (lambda (args) (reduce-init (commute cons) args))) -- Function: reduce-init P INIT LST `reduce-init' is the same as reduce, except that it implicitly inserts INIT at the start of the list. `reduce-init' is preferred if you want to handle the null list, the one-element, and lists with two or more elements consistently. It is common to use the operator's idempotent as the initializer. Functional programmers usually call this "foldl". Example: (define (sum . l) (reduce-init + 0 l)) (sum 1 2 3 4) == (reduce-init + 0 (1 2 3 4)) == (+ (+ (+ (+ 0 1) 2) 3) 4) => 10 (sum) == (reduce-init + 0 '()) => 0 (reduce-init string-append "@" '("hello" "cruel" "world")) == (string-append (string-append (string-append "@" "hello") "cruel") "world") => "@hellocruelworld" Given a differentiation of 2 arguments, `diff', the following will differentiate by any number of variables. (define (diff* exp . vars) (reduce-init diff exp vars)) Example: ;;; Real-world example: Insertion sort using reduce-init. (define (insert l item) (if (null? l) (list item) (if (< (car l) item) (cons (car l) (insert (cdr l) item)) (cons item l)))) (define (insertion-sort l) (reduce-init insert '() l)) (insertion-sort '(3 1 4 1 5) == (reduce-init insert () (3 1 4 1 5)) == (insert (insert (insert (insert (insert () 3) 1) 4) 1) 5) == (insert (insert (insert (insert (3)) 1) 4) 1) 5) == (insert (insert (insert (1 3) 4) 1) 5) == (insert (insert (1 3 4) 1) 5) == (insert (1 1 3 4) 5) => (1 1 3 4 5) -- Function: butlast LST N `butlast' returns all but the last N elements of LST. Example: (butlast '(1 2 3 4) 3) => (1) (butlast '(1 2 3 4) 4) => () -- Function: nthcdr N LST `nthcdr' takes N `cdr's of LST and returns the result. Thus `(nthcdr 3 LST)' == `(cdddr LST)' Example: (nthcdr 2 '(1 2 3 4)) => (3 4) (nthcdr 0 '(1 2 3 4)) => (1 2 3 4) -- Function: last LST N `last' returns the last N elements of LST. N must be a non-negative integer. Example: (last '(foo bar baz bang) 2) => (baz bang) (last '(1 2 3) 0) => 0 File:, Node: Destructive list operations, Next: Non-list Common LISP functions, Prev: Lists as sequences, Up: Common List Functions Destructive list operations --------------------------- These procedures may mutate the list they operate on, but any such mutation is undefined. -- Procedure: nconc ARGS `nconc' destructively concatenates its arguments. (Compare this with `append', which copies arguments rather than destroying them.) Sometimes called `append!' (*Note Rev2 Procedures::). Example: You want to find the subsets of a set. Here's the obvious way: (define (subsets set) (if (null? set) '(()) (append (mapcar (lambda (sub) (cons (car set) sub)) (subsets (cdr set))) (subsets (cdr set))))) But that does way more consing than you need. Instead, you could replace the `append' with `nconc', since you don't have any need for all the intermediate results. Example: (define x '(a b c)) (define y '(d e f)) (nconc x y) => (a b c d e f) x => (a b c d e f) `nconc' is the same as `append!' in `sc2.scm'. -- Procedure: nreverse LST `nreverse' reverses the order of elements in LST by mutating `cdr's of the list. Sometimes called `reverse!'. Example: (define foo '(a b c)) (nreverse foo) => (c b a) foo => (a) Some people have been confused about how to use `nreverse', thinking that it doesn't return a value. It needs to be pointed out that (set! lst (nreverse lst)) is the proper usage, not (nreverse lst) The example should suffice to show why this is the case. -- Procedure: delete! ELT LST -- Procedure: delete-if! PRED LST Destructive versions of `remove' and `remove-if', called `delete' and `delete-if' in Common LISP. Example: (define lst '(foo bar baz bang)) (delete! 'foo lst) => (bar baz bang) lst => (foo bar baz bang) (define lst '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)) (delete-if! odd? lst) => (2 4 6 8) lst => (1 2 4 6 8) Some people have been confused about how to use `delete!' or `delete-if!', thinking that they dont' return a value. It needs to be pointed out that (set! lst (delete! el lst)) is the proper usage, not (delete! el lst) The examples should suffice to show why this is the case. File:, Node: Non-list Common LISP functions, Next: Tree operations, Prev: Destructive list operations, Up: Common List Functions Non-list Common LISP functions ------------------------------ -- Function: and? . ARGS `and?' checks to see if all its arguments are true. If they are, `and?' returns `#t', otherwise, `#f'. (In contrast to `and', this is a function, so all arguments are always evaluated and in an unspecified order.) Example: (and? 1 2 3) => #t (and #f 1 2) => #f -- Function: or? . ARGS `or?' checks to see if any of its arguments are true. If any is true, `or?' returns `#t', and `#f' otherwise. (To `or' as `and?' is to `and'.) Example: (or? 1 2 #f) => #t (or? #f #f #f) => #f -- Function: atom? OBJECT Returns `#t' if OBJECT is not a pair and `#f' if it is pair. (Called `atom' in Common LISP.) (atom? 1) => #t (atom? '(1 2)) => #f (atom? #(1 2)) ; dubious! => #t File:, Node: Tree operations, Prev: Non-list Common LISP functions, Up: Common List Functions Tree operations --------------- These are operations that treat lists a representations of trees. -- Function: subst NEW OLD TREE -- Function: substq NEW OLD TREE -- Function: substv NEW OLD TREE `subst' makes a copy of TREE, substituting NEW for every subtree or leaf of TREE which is `equal?' to OLD and returns a modified tree. The original TREE is unchanged, but may share parts with the result. `substq' and `substv' are similar, but test against OLD using `eq?' and `eqv?' respectively. Examples: (substq 'tempest 'hurricane '(shakespeare wrote (the hurricane))) => (shakespeare wrote (the tempest)) (substq 'foo '() '(shakespeare wrote (twelfth night))) => (shakespeare wrote (twelfth night . foo) . foo) (subst '(a . cons) '(old . pair) '((old . spice) ((old . shoes) old . pair) (old . pair))) => ((old . spice) ((old . shoes) a . cons) (a . cons)) -- Function: copy-tree TREE Makes a copy of the nested list structure TREE using new pairs and returns it. All levels are copied, so that none of the pairs in the tree are `eq?' to the original ones -- only the leaves are. Example: (define bar '(bar)) (copy-list (list bar 'foo)) => ((bar) foo) (eq? bar (car (copy-list (list bar 'foo)))) => #f